Must have profile to be able to earn money online

Making money online is all the same has its counterpart way of making money, which refer to has offline . Must have profile to be able to earn money online are has follow; 1. Professional biography . A Good picture of you, with quality background. Things to avoid on your professional biography 1. No contact lenses, dark sunglasses, face caps. 2. Avoid v-neck shirts. 3. Avoid awkward hairstyles. 4. Use your original hair colour, this is not compulsory. 2. Basic knowledge of the job . Ability to know the exact action to get the job done. 1. You must have a needed Application software, to get the job done. 2. You must have a least intermediate experience on the particular job to be done. 3. Good review of project handle in the past. Make sure all completed jobs are accurate and of good quality. Customers Ratings ☆☆☆☆☆.The rating is feedback of satisfaction from your customers or client, who have given you a proj...