This is a choice have you been receiving any amount back to your bank account when you pay any of your bills. The answer is No. Personally, I have a sim card I have been using for the past 6 years, and I have not received one (1) naira back into my bank account. I discover that I got to earn from this sim card of 6 years old. I joined this platform, and I earn back #5,000 in less than 3 weeks with Ragp. The opportunity is right here, get paid when you pay your Bill's and buy recharge card on your mobile phone. And we all in this country saying no money. This is not Ghana or Togo neither our neighbouring country Cameroon. Let all think about the newspaper and decide what next, either to continue using our bank, other vtu platform to pay for bills. Or get our own personal platform to pay and make money from our Bill's. When other people using the platform pays for their Bill's you get paid also. Related posts ● What is Ragp? ● Nairex income Make money on...