Recharge and get paid review

Recharge and get paid reviews 

Recharge and Get Paid (RAGP)
What is (RAGP)

What RECHARGE AND GET PAID is all about, please read.πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Everyone of us buy airtime either through banks, quick teller and road side vendors but we don't get paid for doing this all this while.

The purpose of this text is to enlighten you on how to get paid while you carry out all these activities stated below which you have been doing since you bought your first sim card
πŸ‘‰πŸ»Buy airtime
πŸ‘‰πŸ»Buy data
πŸ‘‰πŸ»Subscribe dstv, gotv, and startime
πŸ‘‰πŸ»Pay electricity bills
πŸ‘‰πŸ»Register WAEC online
πŸ‘‰πŸ»Register NECO online
πŸ‘‰πŸ»JAMB (coming soon).

*Won't it be nice if I tell you that anytime you do any of the above, you will be paidπŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†*

Over time, 80% of us buy airtime from our banks but the question is this > Is our bank a telecom company or financial institution?

Off course, they are financial institutions.

*If yes, how come we can buy airtime from our account, when they are not telecom company?*.
The truth is that the banks left their primary duties and came into telecom business, when they saw the volume of money there. What they do is to sell airtime to us through their platform and the telecom company in turn pay them 5% of every of our recharge.

That's millions of naira they are making everyday. Nigeria has over 200 millions telecom users.

The product RAGP
Now we have a company with headquarters office here in Abuja registered with CAC AND licensed by NCC

This company thought it wise to create a platform like the bank does and obtain license from all the telecom company including TV cables to enable us recharge from their platform directly instead of buying from our account or road side vendors. Now here is the difference.

When u buy from ur bank, you don't get anything. The banks take all the 5% of any of ur recharge. In addition, the bank charges you sms alert. So who's losing?

Now, when you buy from this (RAGP) company platform, the company shares the 5% with you. The cash is paid immediately to your e-wallet account.

From the e-wallet you can transfer directly to your bank account.

*Interesting isn't it?*

Let proceed.
Here is the truth, even if we don't join this company we will still continue to buy airtime and the banks will continue to be rich, while you keeping losing. Why not cross over and enrich our self from the Telecom Industry?

Now this platform is not just for us to buy but it's ur own for life and u can use it to be selling vtu(Virtual Top Up) products also and you will still get paid for selling.

Business stages
The business has 4 stages of earning as follows:

*(1)* When u join the company, you get paid immediately 20% of ur registration fee and own a vtu telecom platform for life.

*(2)* When you buy or sell airtime from your vtu platform, you get paid 2% of the transaction.

*(3)* When you buy or sell data from your vtu platform, you get paid 10% of the transaction. And some of our data bundles are cheaper than telecom company themselves.

*(4)* When you subscribe TV cable you get paid #40

When you pay electricity bills, you get paid #40


This are just stage 1 of earning in this business.

The 2nd stage is beautiful. I like it so much.

*Do we remember former President Obasanjo is collecting #1 per every MTN card you and I load?*

*Do you know? Each coca-cola bottle that you and I open, #1 goes to the account of Obafemi Awolowo of blessed memory.
Is children are still enjoying it and it will remain as long as Coca-cola continue to exist*

*If 1 million people buy card a day irrespective of the amount, it means 1 million naira daily for him. That is the power of small money grown into millions*.

Generation downline 

*This company has a method of earning like that which is the second stage of earning*.

*If for example you are a partner with us and you are enjoying being paid every time you recharge your own phone which has never happen anywhere before now. Getting paid for buying something you need. And you decided to share this knowledge with your friends, family members, Coworkers, church members etc. Then you will be receiving alerts per second*.

*Each time someone you share this knowledge with registers and become a member. This is what happen* πŸ‘‡πŸΏ

Whenever he or she buy or sell airtime, irrespective of the card, you will receive 0.35% into your e-wallet account

Whenever this person also buy or sell data, you receive 5%

Whenever this person subscribe TV cables, you receive #10

Whenever this person pay electricity bills, you receive #10.

This just awesome.

People will never stop doing all these things, hence you will just keep earning continually; non stop for life.


Company benefits assistance
now the 3rd stage of earning is that the company will pay you incentive at different times in addition to your daily earnings.

1. 100k Monthly Leadership bonus.
2. 500k Dubai Trip Fund.
3. 2M Car Fund.
4. 2M 1st House Fund
5. 4M 2nd House Fund and
6. 6M 3rd House Fund.
*The best time to register is now so that millions of Nigerians joining later could come under your team. We are almost 1 Million already*

Knowing about the business
*1. SIGN UP COMMISSION (SUC) 20%:* You earn 20% of your own personal Sign-up fee.
*Example:* Your Activation fee is ₦50,000. SUC is 20% of that ₦50,000 *= ₦10,000*.

*2. DIRECT REFERRAL COMMISSION (DRC) 20%:* You earn 20% DRC for anyone you refer directly to RAGP irrespective of your own activation fee.
*Example:* You referred *KATE* who registers & activates with ₦50,000. Your DRC is 20% of *KATE'S* activation fee ie 20% of ₦50,000 *= ₦10,000*.

*3. INDIRECT REFERRAL COMMISSION (IRC) 10%-1%:* Indirect downlines are people referred by your direct downlines up-to your 9th level of your network. You earn 10%-1% IRC for anyone referred to RAGP by your downlines.
*2ND LEVEL: 10%*
*3RD LEVEL: 5%*
*4TH LEVEL: 2.5%*
*5TH LEVEL: 1.25%*
*6TH-10TH LEVEL: 1%*

You referred *KATE* (You earn 20%)
*KATE* referred *BOSE* (You earn 10%)
*BOSE* referred *AYO* (You earn 5%)
*AYO* referred *MUSA* (You earn 2.5%)
*MUSA* referred *ADA* (You earn 1.25%)
*ADA* referred *IDIDIONG* (You earn 1%)
*IDIDIONG* referred *AKIN* (You earn 1%)
*AKIN* referred *DIDI* (You earn 1%)
*DIDI* referred *LOUIS* (You earn 1%)
*LOUIS* referred *ROSE* (You earn 1%)


*4. LEADERSHIP BONUS (LB) :* You earn LB based on your team's total *MONTHLY* Point Value (PV) of all your partners or downlines and yours.

πŸ‘‰ To qualify you must be a platinum member with the cumulative PV of *10,000 PV to earn ₦100,000 in any given month.*

*5. INCENTIVES:* You qualify for incentives based on your team's *CUMULATIVE* point value (PV) of all your partners or downlines and yours.

Distributor must attain the level of *PLATINUM MEMBER* before qualifying for any incentive as follows below πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½πŸ‘‡πŸ½

Accumulated over time 25,000 PV from all registered members in your network and qualify for a Tourism / Vacation trip to Dubai or *Receive ₦500,000 cash*

*πŸ₯ˆ SMALL CAR AWARD* = ₦2,000,000
Accumulate 60,000 PV over time from all registered members of your network ( TEAM) and qualify to receive a small car or *₦2million cash* from RAGP LTD

*πŸ₯‰ 1ST HOUSE FUNDS* = ₦3,000,000
Accumulate 100,000 PV from registered members of your Team over time and qualify for a *1st House Fund worth ₦3million cash*.

πŸ… 2ND HOUSE FUNDS* = ₦4,000,000
Accumulate 250,000 PV from registered members of your Team over time and qualify for a *2nd House Fund worth ₦4million cash*.


πŸŽ– FINAL HOUSE FUNDS* = ₦6,000,000
Accumulate 500,000 PV from registered members of your Team over time and qualify for *a final House Fund worth ₦6million cash*.

Residual income
*πŸ’° Residual Income in RECHARGE AND GET PAID LTD. just by recommending this business platform to 3-10 Airtime/Data Users & Help them to Duplicate 3-10 Users Each*

*Your Daily Earning Income Projection*

If 1,000 partners in your team buy/transfer/sell *Airtime* worth ₦1,000 each daily
*U will earn* 0.35% x ₦1,000 = ₦3.5 x 1,000 *= ₦3,500 per day AND ₦105,000 per Month 😳😳*

If 1,000 partners buy/transfer/sell *Data* worth ₦1,000 each daily
*U will earn* 1% x ₦1,000 = ₦10 x 1,000 *= ₦10,000 per day AND ₦300,000 per Month 😳😳*

*RAGP has Automated Selling Technology. Our Goal is to Build A Community of Airtime & Data Users. This is Bigger than Oil & Gas*

*Look at the Big Market. πŸ‘‰ RAGP'S target is 70 million Users out of this population*πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

*Nigeria's population is now 198million-NPC*

The National Population Commission (NPC) has put Nigeria’s current population at 198 million people with urban population growing at an average annual growth rate of about 6.5 per cent.

You don't need a shop to begin, with as little as #5k and your android phone you can start this Telecom business from any location. 

Question of the century 

Have you been receiving any amount back to your bank account when you pay for any of your personal bills.

Airtime, data, electric power bills, decoder subscription like (dstv,startimes and Gotv).

The big answer is = No.

Some of this Bill's have been paid by you for over two (2) years.
So, For over two years,  you have paid this Bill's non stop and non skip.

You do not get a single month of free subscription, free airtime or money back to your personal bank account.

You are still thinking and hoping it is normal, to just pay for the services.
Then you sit and complain, I don't have money here and there. Shine your eyes now,because the next coming generations would still use this services you use today too.


Visit this link below to see a personal testimony. 

You have decided to earn from your personal Bill's. 

Referral suggestions for RAGP 

Click here 
Fill the form with your own personal details. Include: 
Email Address 
Bank account details 

You are still in doubt on joining Recharge and get paid (Ragp), after this review. 

You can Attend Recharge and get paid seminar live on (Wednesday's and Friday's) 

Location: Lagos, Nigeria.

WhatsApp: Joshua on 0809 534 2782.
To get directions to current seminar location.



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