how to make money online in nigeria

how to make money online in nigeria

Making money online in Nigeria, is a good attitude which empowers the youths in our generation. You can make money online in Nigeria without involving in cyber crimes. 
How to make money online in Nigeria is a mutual agreement between the community and the Nigerian citizens. For you to make money online in Nigeria. There are things to be done and put into consideration. 

Ways to make money online in Nigeria 

Direct options

1. Sell a product(s) online: This means you already have a product that you sell offline (in brick and stone stores or market places). The product must be genuine, reliable, and presentable any time and any day. 

2. Sell a service(s) online This means you already render this services offline (in brick and stone stores - workshops or a customer place). The services render must always be reliable and properly checked to avoid unintended consequences any time soon.

In Direct options

1. Sell another person's product(s) online: This means you already have someone's product that you sell offline (in brick and stone stores or market places). The product must be genuine, reliable, and presentable any time and any day. 
You would have to be in close contact with the original owner of the product, to enable proper knowledge of the product you sell. 
I would advise you has a marketer to partner with product that is returnable, if claims arise through your customers. 

2. Sell another person's service(s) online This means you already know who render the particular services offline (in workshops or a customer place). The services render must always be reliable and properly checked by you, before receiving a dim from a customer. 
Always avoid unintended consequences like trust worthiness of services render by you, from customers any time soon and give assurance if possible. 

More ways of making money online in Nigeria 

Coming soon...



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